You want to make more money. You want to start a new business. Maybe you want better cardio! Here are 5 quick tips for what to do to keep focused on your goal or get back on track.
5. Make a habit of moving your body.
Nothing and I mean NOTHING can shake my crappy mood like getting outside for a walk. If you’ve got 15 minutes to complain to someone about what’s going on, you’ve got 15 minutes to get out for a brisk walk. Trust me. Do this.
4. Gamify working through obstacles 1 at a time – not ALL at a time.
Whether it’s been working my way out of poverty, moving to California and back to Minnesota, or getting ahead in my career, it’s all come with obstacles. I can’t tell you how many times things have gotten in the way of my goals. Take obstacles on 1 at a time. Celebrate getting over each one. You’ll be on your way to falling in love with the process vs getting overwhelmed at how far you still have to go.
3. Stop ruminating and start doing.
You will not be able to get information without action. Period. I have spent so many hours, weeks, trying to play chess in my head when it comes to a place I want to get to. Then I finally decide to take the first step and the result is like nothing I’ve planned for. Has that ever happened to you? If you are struggling with what to do next or what career, etc., stop doing that. Take one small action today.
2. Put it on the calendar.
Whether you want to improve your cardio, get a new job, or start a business, nothing happens unless you schedule it. Ok, maybe you can hobble along for a while, but until you have a few key things on your calendar regularly, that you don’t miss, you’ll have an uphill battle. Picking the exact time and place puts you into planning mode vs. reacting mode. It helps you move those things on your schedule ahead of time.
And my #1 tip….
- Change Your Mindset
This is the biggest risk to failure for your dreams and all of the above. You can move your mind with precision to find all of the reasons your dream is not for you. OR, you can move your mind toward all the reasons it IS for you. Can’t get things on the calendar? You have to ask yourself why. If you feel agitation bubbling up here, take a look at why. You’ve held onto a story for a long time about why you can’t make progress. Check in with that. Remember, this is YOUR dream, not mine. You hold the keys to your mindset.